Thursday, March 24, 2011

Driving down the 101...

On today's agenda, The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Panavision, and a live shooting of the sitcom Mike & Molly, sounds like a good day to me!

At The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences we spoke to the internship coordinator and a few other of her colleagues about different things going on in the company. The internship she explained sounded amazing and to say an internship sounds amazing is not a very common thing! I could see myself applying and really enjoying it. They basically set you up with someone to shadow in a specific area and you stay with them for the entire time. There is a competitive application process but I see myself at least applying after I get more experience in the area that I think will fit me best. I am still interested in art direction and set design but I didn't see that as one of the specific areas but I'm sure there is something that can point me in the right direction. This internship would definitely be what I would love to see myself doing the summer between Junior and senior year of college. The scholarship program that was discussed didn't completely apply to me but I wish it did because they give you A LOT of money! The archive program that was discussed was really interesting. I don't have to write research papers for many of my classes but just to become more involved in the media world, I think the archive could be very helpful. Keeping up with the archive would be similar to keeping up with trades and other things that can be useful to being in the media world and doing interviews. I really enjoyed our time at The Academy today, I found it extremely helpful and all the information was very useful.

After that, we were off to Panavision, which is basically a company that makes all their own equipment but is starting to use other companies equipment as well. They get shows and films to use their equipment and then they supply for them. I thought the facility was a really cool building. It was very modern and open and I loved the atmosphere, it was really laid back. I noticed not too many woman worked there which didn't shock me but almost made me maybe want to go into technology. The people we spoke to said that people who work or intern at Panavision are people that eventually would want to go into cinematography. I don't think I would want to go into that but maybe I will add technology to my list of possible future choices! I'm glad we went to Panavision because although it was different from all of our other tours, I found it to be very informational and interesting!

We took a break from tours and walked around Hollywood Boulevard, which was a good break and fun to see all the interesting people. I will say, today made me realize that I know for a fact I do not want to live anywhere near Hollywood. To be honest, I really did not enjoy it that much! It's a cool place to be a tourist for a bit but I learned that it is not where I will be in several years!

Tonight's activities included a live shooting of the sitcom Mike & Molly, although our host was not the greatest, I really enjoyed myself. It was fun to watch it all happen right in front of your eyes and have a media background to kind of understand what was going on. I realized again that art direction is what I am still very much interested in. I was looking at all the sets and could just picture myself falling into a job like that in my future. It was interesting to see the different cameras being used and how they all create different shots! I have never experienced anything like that and it was definitely a good time! Plus, I got some god laughs in, besides the few forced ones that were directed right at the mics so that I could maybe recognize myself when the episode airs!

Today was more of a relaxing day. I heard more of the same repetitive advice which I think is great because it is becoming implemented into my brain, and this way I don't have to right it down at every meeting we go to! I'm still slightly confused, but still figuring out somewhat of a direction for myself which is always helpful. I found out, that it is ok to not know what I want to do in my future! Hey, who knew such a thing was possible?

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