Monday, January 17, 2011

What is your howl?

In Jonathon Flaum’s, FIND YOUR HOWL, he references two different stories. The first story is about a wolf named Mumon, who needs to "find his howl". In other words, the wolf needs to find his one-of-a-kind authentic voice.  He goes on a journey to do this and basically sacrifices everything. He spent time alone, did things he believed he couldn't do, and pretty much walked away from the life he had always known. Along the way he meets different animals that try and help him. He does not completely understand what the animals are trying to say to him but he tries to listen and take their advice. At the end of his journey he finds himself "dying". In reality, he is finding his howl. It was a long journey for Mumon but he survived it and found his distinct voice. He will always be Mumon, only now, he is better because he has found his howl. 

The main point that Flaum tried to portray throughout this story is that sometimes our journey to finding our voice will be hard but we just need to tunnel through it and keep searching. It will be even more beneficial in the end than we had ever imagined. Our journey will not be easy, it's going to be long, dark, and treacherous but we need to trust our instincts, keep going, and trust the help offered to us along the way. In the end we will not settle for anything less than our official howl.

Read Flaum's story for yourself and decide what you think. Hey, maybe you should find your howl as well.

After Reading Flaum's story, I decided to find my own howl.  

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