Sunday, January 16, 2011

Want Breakthrough Ideas...

Picture this, you’re sitting in your, what you’d like to call it, “thinking chair”, trying to stir up a new idea for a project. As you are rolling and rocking the chair, you soon realize, that no matter how powerful you think your “chair” is, it’s not going to give you the new idea you’re looking for this time! Now you see, you need some help. You could call up mommy and see what she says or you could look around, do some research. You may just stumble upon Mitch Ditkoff’s, “14 Ways To Get Breakthrough Ideas”, at first site it may not look that interesting but it is actually an extremely beneficial and informational guide to finding new ideas! After I read through it I chose three suggestions that I believed were the most motivating and interesting. You may agree with me, or you may go read it for yourself and find others more stimulating. You can find and download his article here and figure out for yourself, just how to get new ideas!

1.   Follow Your Fascination
When something fascinates you, don’t just let is pass. Follow it. Participate in it. Make it. Help it evolve into more than just another one of your many fascinations. Ditkoff is right when he says, “Fascination, quite simply, is nature’s way of getting our attention.” When our minds feel like its time to give up, we dream and become fascinated about other things. Well, now its time to use those fascinations to revive our minds. Put those dreams into our own realities. I mean, if we are not planning on using them in our creative lives then why are we going to waste our time thinking about them? This is a great suggestion and one that everybody, creative people or not, should implement in their daily lives. It’s nice to sit back and just dream, but sometimes it’s also really fun to live those dreams and by that I mean, turning a fascination into reality. I knew I wanted to work in a creative industry so about a year and a half ago, I chose the media industry. I used to be so fascinated about the industry and what it would be like to study at a university that had more opportunities available than I could count on one hand. Look where I am now, attending Ohio University all the way from New York! I made my fascination a reality when I chose to apply and now I am currently living in my fantasy. Don’t you want to say you did that?

a)   What new idea is fascinating you?
A new idea that is fascinating me is doing a photo of the day project over the course of one year. I find this idea to be very creative and because I enjoy photography I think I may just make it a reality. I want others to see what pulls my eye everyday and what I choose to photograph. I want all my travels to be remembered and my memories to be shared. When it’s all finished, I want to make a photo album titled a year in photographs. It’s not much, but it’s fascinating to my creative mind.
b)  What new possibility has captured your attention?
I have the opportunity to go on a trip to Los Angeles over Spring Break, with one of my media professors. The application process is simple. Apply, have a good GPA, and good references. The rest is up to my professor. I would give anything to go on this trip. We will be going to several different studios in the city and talking to many OU alumni. I can’t explain in words how beneficial and extraordinary this trip would be if I get to attend.

c)   In what ways can you honor this inspiration today?
The only way to honor this inspiration is to hope that my professor sees the passion behind me. I haven’t done much when it comes to media but I know that this is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I know that this is what I want to call “work” when I am older. I have to hope that my professor sees all this and considers be for the wonderful opportunities the trip has to offer.

4.   Make New Connections
      Now I know that when we here this, the first thing that comes to mind is, meet new people and don’t burn bridges. Now while that is a very good trait to have in this industry, this type of making new connections refers more to thinking outside of your box. This suggestion is a good suggestion and one that you should implement right away! Step outside of your comfort zone and take the plunge. Think rationally or, hey, think irrationally. We are so used to thinking about ideas that make sense and are easy but maybe its time to just think. If it sounds crazy, well it probably is, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. Go for it; think of ideas that connect in ways you’d never thought possible! 

7.  Listen to Your Subconscious 
      Ditkoff was telling the truth when he spoke about how most of the world’s great thinkers came up with there ideas at times that were not on purpose. This suggestion is also a good suggestion that I think everyone, especially creative people, should start doing everyday. I mentioned before that sometimes we sit in our “thinking chairs” waiting for our next best idea to come to mind. Unfortunately, we all know that totally does not work. Take a break sometimes and maybe go do something else. I guarantee that while you’re brushing your teeth and playing that addicting computer game, the light bulb will light up in that creative mind of yours and you’ll have it! The next best idea!

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